Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuned City Brussels 2013 - bx in action

fmwalks/bx was the title of a series of sonic interventions in the city of Brussels, during the Tuned City festival. It was also a proof of concept, of how the system can be applied to places, what forms and formats would be possible and challenging. It turned out to be useful to have a wireless microfone available. People picked up the wireless for browsing around, into the nearby area, so I could mix the soundscape around the bx with the details and findings of their walking performance, along with other intersections with the radio aporee ::: maps etc. All walks and interventions were live broadcasted on the radio aporee ::: stream and occasionally into the FM space. By using a sort of virtual recorder on aporee, i could record and archive some of these sessions by simply touching a button on my mobile phone. Listen to some of the sonic traces on

preparing the bx at QO2. photo by Carsten Stabenow

Brussels, Botanique, spontaneous interferences with Christina Kubisch's Electrical Walks
Botanique, airwaves

Parvais de Saint Gilles, Saturday market walks
city places - radio spaces ::: Chausée de Waterloo, Galerie Rivoli
Haren, finally some sun, charging the box (photo by C.Stabenow)